What it took for a nurse to check up on 1 patient, is now enough for over 100 patients.
We assist healthcare workers by introducing smart digital solutions in manual processes.
Measuring the most important parameters in non-intensive care
Secure and instant data transmission to a medical software platform
Keep track of every patient's status in one place, all the time
Make less rounds, but provide better care with an increased capacity
The IoT connected, sensor-equipped device is worn by patients in non-intensive care, enabling nurses to utilize their time more efficiently.
Body temperature, oxygen saturation and respiratory rate are the most indicative signs of COVID-19 health statuses.
With remote and automatized measurements, it's possible to keep a more detailed history of a patient's status.
With every patient having a device, all measurements happen simultaneously, making it incredibly fast to check everyone's status.
Results of the monitoring and device management are integrated into one system that keeps tabs on every patient. Medical staff is also provided with analytics and statistics to help achieve more detailed diagnostics.
Being able to see everyone's status at a single glance, helps nurses tremendously.
Instant reports of deteorating cases
We are proud to be working with the following international partners:
Accelerated by the Reaktor 2020
health innovation program
Entremo was awarded first place in Digital Health by Vodafone Hungary in their 2021 Awards ceremony. Vodafone Hungary seeks new technological innovations every year in 4 domains and highlights their achievements. On top of the award, they provide support in PR and networking as well.
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Entremo's breakthrough came after winning the biggest domain of the EUvsVirus competition, Health & Life, out of more than 900 international teams. The hackathon, organised by the European Commission, was one of the biggest event of the sort ever, all managed virtually.
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When the pandemic broke out, we didn't want to wait around locked in our homes, instead we decided to tackle problems that the healthcare sector is facing. The foundation of Entremo was laid during this first weekend of April, where we received recognition from EIT Health InnoStars for the innovativeness of the project.
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After European recognition, we also participated in an American Health themed hackathon, where we were announced as the best project in the competition among Existing projects submissions.
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Magyar okoskarperec segíthet a túlterhelt kórházi osztályokon
A huszonéves magyar mérnökök egy ötletversenyből indultak el termékükkel, egy diagnosztikai karpereccel, ami egészségügyi intézményekben automatikusan monitorozza a betegek paramétereit.
Karanténból is tudták segíteni az egészségügyet
Három magyar csapat is sikerrel szerepelt az EUvsVirus páneurópai hackathonon. Élményeikről és fantasztikus fejlesztésükről...
COVID-19 Solution of EIT DIGITAL Master School students gets funding
EIT Digital Master School students will bring to market a COVID-19 solution with support from EIT Digital. The solution, a 3D printed...
Betegmonitorozás gyorsabban és okosabban: Vodafone-díjat nyert az Entremo okosórája
Sikeresen pályázott a Vodafone Digitális Díjra az Entremo Kft., a startup elnyerte ugyanis a Digitális Egészségügy kategória első helyezését.
A Hely: Nővérsegítő okoskarperec
Öt fiatal mérnök találmánya, egy okoskarperec könnyíthet a túlterhelt kórházi nővérek munkáján. Ez a betegek csuklójára csatolva folyamatosan monitorozza a pulzust, légzésfrekvenciát és oxigénszaturációt, majd az adatokat továbbítja a nővérpultban lévő számítógépes rendszerhez, így egész nap folyamatosan látják..
Team Discover supported by EIT Health InnoStars wins #EUvsVirus
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Közös innovációval az egészségért
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Introducing Entremo, Innovative Winners of the EUVsVirus Hackathon
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How emerging Europe’s start-ups are turning Covid-19 challenges into opportunities
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Így lehet könnyebbé és biztonságosabbá tenni a nővérek munkáját
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Egy okosóra könnyítheti meg a betegellátást
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